Saturday, May 17, 2014

Something wild, something new, something borrowed, something blue.

Something wild, something new, something borrowed, something blue.

Yeah!  This dress has it all.  Well, not the borrowed.  I borrowed the hair candy from my daughter.

Nuff said.


Outfit Ideas:
Dress:  Eva Franco (click here to get yours)
Hair Candy:  Simply Artrageous (click here to get yours)
Shoes:  Irregular Choice
Earrings:  Thrift

disclaimer - no, I do not have on pantyhose.   My legs are in desperate need of sun! LOL!

Close up of print!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Rosaline! I just want to tell you your lovely! I love all the photos you post to the Modcloth style gallery and I am now following you on google+. I wondered if you would be so kind as to check out my blog at and become a follower of mine! I would be ever so grateful!

    Thank you! <3

