Sunday, February 9, 2014

The White Elephant Dress!

I am naming this dress "The White Elephant" in reference to the game or gift exchange. For those who have never participated in a White Elephant gift exchange you present gifts that are tacky or that do not fit the tastes of the recipient. The thought behind a white elephant gift exchange is to give everyone a chance to rid themselves of these tacky gifts—and invariably gain a new one! 

Therefore, you ask what does this have to do with my dress.  Well... I did not realize that the elephants on the dress were juggling wine, apparently drunk, and disorderly!  In addition, to make matters worse I had my mom make a dress for my daughter and we wore them to church! BAHHAHAHAAAAHAA!  That is beyond tacky.   And for those who know my daughter and I know that "drinking" is not in our taste.

With that, aside we love our dresses and thank ma'ma for making them.


Outfit Ideas:

Dress - Hand sewn
Earrings - ModCloth
Tights - Target
Handbag - Vintage Lilly Pulitzer "The Lilly"
Coat - ModCloth
Shoes - Irregular Choice
Lipstick - Sephora

Kids Outfit Ideas:

Jacket - Hand sewn
Bow Tie - Hand sewn
Shirt - The Children's Place
Black Pants - Land's End
Grey Tweed Pants - Gymboree
Shoes - Stacy Adams
Shoes - Nunn Bush (on the larger twin)

Dress - Hand sewn
Blouse - Hand sewn
Purse - Gymboree
Hair Candy - Gymboree
Tights - Gymboree
Shoes - The Children's Place

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