Today was beautiful. The sunrise was glorious! So, when I picked out outfits for church I was reminded of that beautiful sunrise. Here are the colors of the California sunrise....
Outfit Ideas
Earrings - Modcloth
Dress - Anthropologie (Sale)
Stockings - Calvin Klein
Shoes - J.Renee
Lipstick - Walmart Revlon Colorstay Non Stop Cherry
Eyeshadow: Mary Kay (Thanks Bridgette)
Twins Outfit Ideas:
Shirt - Ralph Lauren
Tie - Zulily (Trendy Ties)
Pants - Land's End
Belt - Ralph Lauren
Brown Shoes - Tommy Hilfiger
Black Shoes - Stacy Adams
Daughters Outfit Ideas:
Hair Candy: Gymboree Outlet
Dress: Kmart (Clearance)
Purse: Gymboree Outlet
Stockings: Gymboree
Shoes: Amazon (Kenneth Cole)